July 8, 2010

I keep my promises....

I recently discovered Picnik - thanks Molly - what a wonderful website! Here is just a little of what I have been up to the past 9 months... and NO! it is not a baby! Just a boy... and nope - we are not engaged. Dating - and that is happy. :)


Janssen said...

yay! Glad you're back :)

Lindsay said...

Awww!!! SO cute! I love that you're happy and in love!

Amber said...

Hopefully it lasts... :) (does that sound pessimistic? It isn't...just a thought...)

Packrat said...

Glad you posted! That "boy" does take up time. :)

Mike + Mo said...

Kissy Pictures??? yuck! ;)

Pamela Williams said...

aww, this makes me really happy too!

Pamela and John said...

Cute Amber! I miss yoU! How did the beach visit go?

Kristen said...

Ok, so I just stumbled on your blog, and HOW CUTE!! I love this Telly and Amber themed montage!