September 14, 2010

Taunting Me...

Since I decided to start keeping up on other's blogs again I do not have that many posts to keep up on(let's not recall the 415 unread posts on my google reader at one point....). I love reading blogs and finding cool new 'homemade' projects I can do!


I have been avoiding THIS POST by Miss Janssen. If you recall in my previous posts I RAVE about her awesome book reviews. Many books I read come from her lists. She is THAT good. (okay, okay - we have the same taste in books. and I know her... I might be biased. I'm okay with that though.)

I WANT TO READ THIS POST!! It is taunting me everytime I open my reader I see it - and just want to know what she thought about it.

But I can't.

Because she is so good she will spoil this most anticipated book - THAT I OWN - That I can not read yet...

Why you ask?

Because I am reading This, This, This, and This. They are so good I can hardly put them down - I hope it is worth the wait!


if you have not - you should read The hunger game series... AND the Immortal - Nicholas Flammel Series..... *sigh* such good book candy!

September 8, 2010

Keeping Kolby

All Summer I have been hearing about Kolby. She is one of my little sister's friends and in May she was diagnosed with Advanced Stage (4) Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma Cancer. Really long name, right!? Well it is as rare and aggressive as it sounds. I have been reading her Blog - and noticed that they have an auction to help raise money towards her treatments.

What an incredible girl and at only 15!! You should check it out. If you live in Vegas, or even if you do not, there are some neat things on the Auction! :) I think I want this necklace!!! or This braclet/earring set!!

Keeping Kolby Blog
Keeping Kolby Auction