September 14, 2010

Taunting Me...

Since I decided to start keeping up on other's blogs again I do not have that many posts to keep up on(let's not recall the 415 unread posts on my google reader at one point....). I love reading blogs and finding cool new 'homemade' projects I can do!


I have been avoiding THIS POST by Miss Janssen. If you recall in my previous posts I RAVE about her awesome book reviews. Many books I read come from her lists. She is THAT good. (okay, okay - we have the same taste in books. and I know her... I might be biased. I'm okay with that though.)

I WANT TO READ THIS POST!! It is taunting me everytime I open my reader I see it - and just want to know what she thought about it.

But I can't.

Because she is so good she will spoil this most anticipated book - THAT I OWN - That I can not read yet...

Why you ask?

Because I am reading This, This, This, and This. They are so good I can hardly put them down - I hope it is worth the wait!


if you have not - you should read The hunger game series... AND the Immortal - Nicholas Flammel Series..... *sigh* such good book candy!


Janssen said...

Ha! I'm so sorry! I do want to read those Nicholas Flamel books; I've heard such good things about them!

meghan & jason said...

LOVED all the Hunger Games books. I'm glad I read them when they were all out so I could pick them up one right after the other. :)

meghan & jason said...

BTW, I thought it was a stand-alone book, too. I was so upset when I read three lines on the last page and "End of Book One." Ahh!

Sean and Anne Willardson said...

I hated that series. It was so sad. I bawled my eyes out at the end of book three when Prim Dies.