August 20, 2008

Twilight cont. w/a note about New Moon and Eclipse...

Okay - I gave in to peer pressure - I finished all the other books at the top of the list - and now I am happy to report I am addicted.

I am addicted to the Twilight series. seriously. I stretched Twilight to last a whole week and it only took me a whole two days to read New Moon. Pathetic. would have been less time - however I had a friend visiting... soo hostess calls! Now I am working on Eclipse - but I think it might take me just as long as Twilight... b/c of work and friends visiting and life.

Stephanie Myers - is an amazing writer. She created a seemingly ordinary girl, one each and everyone person could relate to. She made her clumsy, smart, funny, sarcastic, and human. I think this is what captivated me at first - here was a girl who was like me. She drops her books when she is nervous - slips on the ice - she notices things. There are people into her life, parents-classmates-friends, all something we can relate with.

Then Myers created a seemingly perfect and mysterious Lab partner. Someone you just want to figure out - unpredictable. And on top of that he is repelled by this normal - average - amazing girl. WHY!??! seriously - what is his deal... What drives him? What is he even thinking!?

And that is where you just get sucked into the magic called the Twilight series. I could not put it down. I had to know what happened. I would spend every free moment I could reading. Morning Break - Lunch - Afternoon Break - in between activities - aaaallll the way home from Provo. Emily read the from Nephi till Vegas -- what a fantastic friend! She did voices and made it intense at the right parts - with dynamics and everything! it was FANTASTIC!! best 'read aloud' job yet!.

And I realized why not very many people have written about the 'other books' in the Series.... you just can't - or you give away the whole plot!

So go --- now -- pick it up from your nearest library - (guys too.. b/c I have quite a few guy friends who have been brave enough to get sucked in also!) and read. Because New Moon & Eclipse are just as good...

Note: New Moon - made me cry a - lot.... From discussing it with a few friends they did not like New Moon as much - thinking it slow to get into - and longer. I however think I related better to New Moon - but considering the events of the past year - it is not any surprise. ;)

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