January 22, 2009

To react or not to react - that is the question

As usual I was reading a blog - and I felt inspired by this "hater" post I read. It made me feel a little better, and she has a fantastic sense of humor.

Recently I have been under attack. Now, for many of you including myself I have no idea what I did to this person. But it has been made very apparent they do not like me.

I wish I could say that I provoked them, that I was unkind, or even that I attacked. But I did not. In fact - I have never met them, never had a conversation, I did not even know they existed until the moment they responded to a comment I made on Facebook.

**ooooo ahhhhhh Facebook** It is true. This all occurred on Facebook. Amazing what one fantastic socializing tool can do.

I have learned from the past few days of puzzling, creating witty responses, and agonizing over what I could have possibly done to this person to deserve such responses - that in the end I just had to smile and hope that if I ever meet them - we can smile and be friends.

I have come to the realization once again - that I am an emotional reactive person. In college I learned ways to put some distance between me and my reactions - but every now and then I slip up. Initially on the attack - I had so many awful things to reply - but I realized that it would profit me nothing. So in the end - I just took a step back - and put some time and distance between me and the response.

What are some techniques you use to avoid over-reacting?


Janssen said...

Oh man, how annoying. Facebook seems particularly bad because it's so public.

Good for you for stepping back and just letting it go.

(I have no suggestions as letting it go is no really one of my strong points).

Pamela Williams said...
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Lindsay said...

ooh, I need to go search through your Facebook now to investigate what happened! I'm not very good about not over reacting. Either I hold it in and it'll bug me forever. Or, I burst and say things I regret. We need to talk more often.

Lindsay said...

Oh, and thanks for commenting on my Pay it Forward!! I'm thinking up what to make!