"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around and shouting that he has been robbed.
The fact of the matter is that most putts don't drop, most beef is tough, most children grow up to be just people, most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration, most jobs are more often dull than otherwise. Life is like an old time rail journey...delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed.
The trick is to thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."
- Gordon B. Hinckley
I "borrowed" this quote from Brandi's blog. This is sums up my life right now. I am just enjoying the ride. So here are some highlights:*Friday at work - I was helping a non-account holder cash a check. He asked if he could 'borrow' some of my hand sanitizer - I told him he could have it b/c I didn't really want it back! Then I helped him with his transaction - he asked questions about my social life (small talk) I finished his transaction, smiled, and sent him on his merry way to the cash pick-up. I then called over my next customer. While I was chatting for a moment and helping her, he came back and just stood at my station - asking if he could use my hand sanitizer. My customer and I (who are around the same age) kinda looked at each other with that "what the heck" look in our eyes - I shrugged and answered "sure". Note: - Wamu's in Vegas are a little different - we each have our own "stand-alone" station. There is no teller line w/ the counter in between the teller and the customer. You may be thinking "WHAT? Isn't that dangerous??" - no! This is because I actually have no access to cash - No cash drawer to worry about balancing at night -- it is fabulous! I just do their transaction - give them their receipt with their cash pick-up code - they go to the dispenser - enter their code - and POOF!!! money! :D This is very nice - b/c if you want to rob my store -- DON'T -- you won't get much! :) now back to my story....After the quick look at each other - I continue to processes her transaction. Inside I was kinda weary of this guy - because anyone who lingers makes me nervous! heck I work in a bank! :) So he stood there in front of my station while I finished her transaction just trying make small talk... I was almost done so I didn't ask him to move - and mentioned to him I would be right with him. Honestly - I thought I had screwed up his transaction. I handed my customer her receipt - told her to have an amazing day - and glanced back to this guy - staring at me - really creepy - well meaning - but kinda creepy. Welllll - he then proceeded to hand me back his receipt with his name - number and "Would you like to get a cup of coffee sometime?" Written on it. You can imagine my relief as my brain was going a million miles a minute when he hands me a slip with writing on it. I have heard numerous stories of tellers being robbed w/the 'note'.... so you can imagine my brief distress - almost panic-making moment AND THEN my relief when I could just say "No, Thank you though!" I couldn't help but smile to myself for my good fortune - even though I was in no way remotely interested in the fellow! *Sunday after Church - After church on Sunday I returned home famished and starving. I thought my stomach might eat itself - which translates to mean I was happy --- and a little irritable b/c my head and stomach hurt from lack of nutrients. As I walked around my house making my presence known - I quickly realized that it was a little tooo quiet. As I investigated a little more I came to realize my family was not where to be found. They had abandoned me on Fast Sunday -- how rude!!! - What was I going to eat - if not some fantastic 'fast Sunday approved' meal consisting of meat and potatoes? honestly!! I was soo excited - only to have my hopes dashed by silence...
So I called my mom - and she told me to make a tuna sandwich - GROSS -- not a fan of tuna. So I said fine - I'll make a grilled cheese and call it good. I was really feeling betrayed and lost though - because I am so used to fast Sunday dinner cooking in the oven or crock pot - and there was nothing! So I made myself a sandwich and put it on the stove/griddle thing - and my phone started ringing. to my amazement it was my friend calling to invite me to dinner!!! joy! problem solved! Life is amazing!! :D
*After FHE on Monday -
After watching my friends play Volleyball after FHE - I walked out to my car. As I got in - I noticed little white shells on my windshield.
"hummm" - I thought to myself - "that is interesting." So I turned on my car - and this slimy stuff illuminated my front windshield. I got out of my car - looked at the front of my car - and noticed it nicely dripped down the front of my car. "Self" - I thought - "This is weird -- is that --" as I touched the stinky substance. I smelled my finger - and realized that my deduction skills were correct! Someone had smashed eggs on my beautiful a little dusty Kandy Tater. As I walked around examining my car - I found it interesting.
Let me explain where I was parked. I came 45 min. late - (work was ridiculously crazy and mom made dinner soo I was a little late to FHE) - as a result there were very few open parking spots. So I parked in the middle of the back half -- in the middle of a bunch of cars. When I walked into the parking lot i was one of the last 20 or so to leave - and so it was my car and the blue car in front of me - and then relatively no cars around for about 3 stalls on either side. to get to my car from anywhere other than the church - you had to walk more than halfway across the parking lot. Needless to say i found it quite interesting that my car was seemingly the ONLY ONE in the parking lot with the sticky clear egg whites on the hood-windshield and moon roof.
As I was walking around - i noticed a glimmer off of the car in front of me... The poor girl had gotten even more egg whites on her windshield. luckily - that was the only place it was!
As I drove home and washed off mine and her cars - I just marveled at some peoples children. I just do not understand where kids get these ideas --- or why they do them! I feel bad that they had nothing better to do than trapes across the parking lot to smear eggs on two unsuspecting girls who are only doing what they know to be right. Now if I was in a prank war -- that would be a different story -- but I am not -- and neither was she -- so it doesn't make sense!
The bright side is: My car is clean and shiny now! :)