November 13, 2008


I have been lazy --- okay -- not really just not motivated...

I have quite a few posts half finished (vs. half started... take your pick). I will be finishing those and posting them soon - for your reading pleasure. for those of you who actually read this....

In other news --- I know you have been awaiting with baited breath for:
The Wedding Update!!!!!!!
My wedding/engagement count for this year:
5 roomies (Maps**, Lauren**, Steph, Cat, Mirella*)
1 pseudo little sister (Bri)
7 Dancers (Jared & Emily, Alecia, Peter, Alan & Jessica, Shadow)
2 cousin (Jen & Braden**)
13 friends engaged or will be (told on good authority...being themselves!) - Jeff (fhe bro), Mirella & Lane*, Mike, Jaron & Megan , Hop & Pamela, Sara M, Stephanie W, Suzanne W, Shawndra, Shawn R.,
1 - random guy named Jeff whose reception I went to with my friend ;)
37 friend already married - Heather, Sara, Lauren & Cody**, Sheldon & Shae, Christian & Amy, Natalie, Tracy, Nate & Kate, Holly M, Pat T., Laurie, Mike & Daisy, Jeremy, Justin J., Joseph & Jill, Karalee, Audrey, Beau, Kristy, Angela, Holly H., Katie, Trent, Brooke, Holly B. & John**, Andrew, Bill L., Maps & John, Rikki & Taylor**,
TOTAL = 65 People I know and love & 1 person I did not know before
Italics = updated!
* = receptions I am hopefully attending
** = receptions I attended
So a little note: of all my 'group of friends' my last semester at college.... there are 3 of us not engaged/married now... hopefully soon to be 2 of us... Hint Hint Bryan....incredible... there MUST be something in the water up there! and to think I moved back to vegas... just in time... or not?
In Addition: I am excited! I get to go to my FIFTH reception this year -- and wear a cute burgandy dress... will post pictures when I get the dress finished.... b/c Mirella & Lane are getting married! I am excited -- a new dress & a trip to Cali! Joy!!!
Also: Hopefully I will be going to the happiest place on earth for new years or the day after... or atleast that is my plan. I hope it works out... I wanna ride the TEA CUPS!!! ;0)


Lewis said...

I read this! I wanna go ride the Tea Cups again! Have fun!

Jennifer said...

Rikki and Taylor got married???? Wow.. Thats awesome.. HEY amber! :)